
Cryopen enables the precise and painless removal of harmless skin lesions with pinpoint accuracy.

Tell me more…

Is it right for me?

Cryopen provides a swift and painless method for removing benign skin lesions, whether they're bothersome due to their location or solely for cosmetic purposes. Since this treatment targets harmless lesions, it's advisable to consult your GP first if you're worried about any sinister implications of the skin lesion. Dr. Rachel, with extensive experience in dermatology, will assess each lesion before proceeding with treatment. However, if there's any suspicion of the lesion not being benign, you'll be referred back to your GP for further evaluation, and treatment will not be carried out.

What is involved?

During the treatment, nitrous oxide is applied directly to the lesion. You'll feel cold air touching the lesion. As the lesion freezes completely, you might experience a sharper or colder sensation, signaling the Dr Rachel to stop. After the lesion thaws, a second freeze will be applied. Thats all there is to it, Simple.

Which Lesions can be treated?

Dr Rachel will assess every lesion before treating with cryotherapy to assess suitability and safety.

Common skin lesion include:



Benign Moles.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis.




How Long until I see the results?

You will notice the formation of a scab, which will gradually heal over a 2 week period. Sometimes re-treatment is required for particularly stubborn or very large lesions.

Do you offer a review?

You will be invited back for a review if the lesion has not been fully resolved after your first session of Cryopen. Dr Rachel is on hand for aftercare, should there be any concerns.

Need some guidance?

For those seasoned in aesthetic treatments or newcomers seeking guidance, booking a consultation is key. It allows us to understand your objectives thoroughly, and tailor our approach accordingly.